Zabbix Installation
To help the Development Team to know how our hardware is performing and see the hardware metrics of the whole cluster, we are asking you to enable a central monitoring platform called Zabbix. We will use this info to make recomendations if/when we require upgraded equipment
NOTE: Run as root Prepend comands with sudo or use sudo -i for the session.
First we'll make a backup of the config file
Make note of your hostname
Open the config file in your editor
Change or uncomment these settings, save and exit
Note: you will need to search through the config file to find the matching config settings to change.
Next set the PSK secret
Paste this key into the file, save and exit
Restart the Zabbiz Service
Watch the logs if you want:
NOTE: We have this service firewalled! You must fill out the onboarding form in Validator v0.2.1 Installation so we can allow your box to send us metrics!
Ports 10050-10051 TCP/UDP should be forwarded to the validator for Zabbix to connect
Continue to Onboarding